Sunday, March 28, 2010

Fantasy Baseball

Sooooooo not ready.
welp... Vicente Padilla! ...five pitchers in a row? Interesting

Sunday, March 21, 2010


congrats to brando!

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Spring Break BABYYYY!!!

Brandon, I like this idea. WE ARE THE FUTURE OF JOURNALISM.

The DBacks have been swinging the bat well, I hope this lasts. EVERYBODY PLEASE GIVE A ROUND OF APPLAUSE TO BRANDON WEBB WHO WILL BE ON THE DL ON OPENING DAY. sob.

Paco, I am so ready for law school. I'm stocking up on index cards and and highlighters, I'm going to go hard like Rhianna.

Friday, March 12, 2010

New MLBTradeRumors

I liked the old design better. What do you guys think?


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Finals suck

This is an awesome idea, Brando. By the way, a random thought: I've still not had a sandwich from Subway since last summer. I'm not sure if I can ever have one again. Both for sentimental reasons, and because I think I had maybe fifty snubs in New York.

Anyway, I have the finals week from hell coming up: three take-home finals and one fifteen-page paper.

Jack, are you sure you want to go to law school? Heh.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Inaugural Post on "Pod 30" blog

Hey guys I figured since we tend to send emails or stuff to each other quite often that we should just have a blog. We are the only four allowed to see the blog (that can change due if you guys want). I allowed if of you to publish to the blog though I don't know what your capabilities are for customizing the blog. Feel free to share with me any ideas or changes you think I should make about the blog. I just think this could be a neat way for us to keep in touch and share everything between all of us (and not clog up each others email inbox lol).
